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Recipe of Award-winning Mince Pies

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, looking for the perfect Mince Pies recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Mince Pies recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Mince Pies

Before you jump to Mince Pies recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Green Living In The Kitchen area Can save you Cash.

Remember when the only men and women who cared about the natural environment were tree huggers as well as hippies? That's a thing of the past now, with everybody being aware of the problems besetting the planet and the shared burden we have for turning things around. Unless everyone begins to start living more environmentally friendly we won't be able to fix the problems of the environment. Each and every family ought to start creating changes that are environmentally friendly and they must do this soon. Continue reading for some approaches to go green and save energy, generally in the kitchen.

You may well prefer cooking with your oven, but using a microwave instead will cost you much less money. Possibly the realization that an oven makes use of 75% more energy will motivate you to use the microwave more. Countertop appliances will certainly boil water or steam vegetables more rapidly than your stove, and use a lot less electricity. Many men and women wrongly believe that doing the dishes by hand uses a reduced amount of energy than a dishwasher. You get the highest energy savings by fully loading the dishwasher just before commencing a wash cycle. Preserve even more money by air drying as well as cool drying your dishes rather than heat drying them.

The kitchen by itself offers you many small means by which energy and money can be saved. It is pretty uncomplicated to live green, all things considered. It's related to being functional, usually.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to mince pies recipe. You can cook mince pies using 23 ingredients and 15 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to cook Mince Pies:

  1. You need of for the pastry.
  2. You need 375 g of plain flour.
  3. Prepare 250 g of unsalted butter.
  4. Take 125 g of caster sugar.
  5. Get 1 of x egg.
  6. Take 100 ml of approx cold water to bind.
  7. Use of For the mince meat filling.
  8. Use 2 of x eating apples.
  9. Prepare 175 g of raisins.
  10. Provide 112 g of sultanas.
  11. Prepare 112 g of currants.
  12. Prepare 55 g of candied or mixed peel.
  13. Use 55 g of candied ginger.
  14. Use 112 g of beef or vegetable suet.
  15. Prepare 175 g of brown sugar.
  16. You need 50 g of chopped nuts.
  17. Use of zest and juice of 1 orange and 1 lemon.
  18. You need 150 ml of brandy.
  19. Prepare 2 tsp of mixed spice.
  20. Prepare 1/2 tsp of cinnamon.
  21. You need 1/2 tsp of nutmeg.
  22. Use 1/2 tsp of orange blossom.
  23. Prepare 1 tsp of vanilla paste.

Instructions to make Mince Pies:

  1. First make the mince meat which will be best after a few days or even weeks maturing in the fridge. combine nuts, dried fruit and suet in a large bowl..
  2. Add sugar, brandy and spices.
  3. Add zest and juice and peel and chop the apples.
  4. Add vanilla and orange blossom, mix well and store in the fridge. If you are keeping the mince meat for a long time you should spoon into sterilised jars at this point. I just pressed some cling film on the surface of the mince meat to prevent oxidisation and stored in the fridge for a few days..
  5. For the pastry a few days later, combine sugar with the flour, then dice the cold butter and mix thoroughly with the flour and sugar. Put this mixture now in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to chill.
  6. Blend the flour sugar and butter mixture for up to 1 minute in your food processor until it appears like breadcrumb. Then add the egg and blend for just 20 second more..
  7. After mixing the egg add a little cold water approx 75ml, test the dough by pressing together with your fingers and it should come together. Turn out onto your work surface and work with your hands for up to 1 minute no more (an over worked dough will form gluten and be less crumbly) I needed to add a little more water so I sprinkled some over with my fingers..
  8. Form dough into a flattened ball and wrap with cling film and refrigerate for at lest 30 minutes to rest, meanwhile select a muffin or Yorkshire pudding tray, mine was deep and 7cm diameter wells..
  9. I had kept my tin in the fridge before brushing with melted butter and then returned to the fridge while I prepared the pastry. I cut a quarter out and kept the remaining pastry in the fridge. Flour your work surface and rolling pin..
  10. Roll the pastry to around 3mm thickness, I used a 9cm cutter.
  11. You can use the pastry trimmings to re-roll once, this is a high fat pastry so will probably come back together easily but if not you can use damp hands to bring back to a dough. Select a smaller cutter for the lids. Just hold it close to the muffin tray wells to make sure it fits. Then start lining the tray..
  12. Carefully press the pastry to the bottom of the wells then fill with mince meat, stir it first to make sure the fruit is evenly coated..
  13. Brush a little cold water in the rim of the pastry before gently pressing the lids on, use a fork to press delicately on the rims to seal and stab a couple of holes in the top to allow steam to escape while baking.
  14. Brush the tops with beaten egg and sprinkle extra sugar before baking at 190c for up to 25 minutes or until the pastry is golden brown. Turn the tray half way for an even bake..
  15. The hardest part now, leave them to cool to at least just warm or room temp before removing from the tin, the pastry is very delicate when hot. But when just warm these are simply amazing I hope you enjoy and have a very happy Christmas x. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn6-Wtsi8g0&t=309s.

Each individual pie is filled with boozy fruit, citrus Make these mince pies part of your family Christmas traditions. On the hunt for a mince pie recipe, so that you can bake a Nothing beats a home-made mince pie at Christmas time, so these are some of our favourite recipes. · These deep and crumbly mince pies are so simple and delicious. The secret to Paul's mince pie Mince pies shortcrust pastry recipe One bite of a home-made shortcrust pastry. There's nothing quite like homemade mince pies at Christmas!

If you find this Mince Pies recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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